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最新高手视频! 七禾网 时间:2020-08-25 11:31:55 来源:远川投资评论









1. 远川研究所:What do you think is the biggest difference between this financial crisis happened in 2020 and that in 2008 ? What measures have you taken to fight against the crisis?


Schwarzman:I have been through a lot of different market cycles in my career, and without a doubt this one is far reaching. However, it is important to remember that the economic impact of this crisis is the result of voluntary decisions to cease business activity – not a normal downturn.


Schwarzman:Another fundamental difference between now and 2008 is that the US banking system today is on much stronger footing. While some companies and sectors will experience difficulty, the system is in better condition. Governments around the world appear to be providing strong support and economic stimulus in the near term.


Schwarzman:As Blackstone, first and foremost, we are deeply saddened by the human impact of COVID-19. Our primary focus has and will continue to be on the safety of Blackstone’s people and the employees of our portfolio companies. We’re hopeful that the measures to control the spread will have a meaningful impact and things can soon begin returning to normal, as they have started to in China.


Schwarzman:Blackstone is in exceptionally strong shape. The firm has no net debt, significant capital reserves, fund structures that prohibit short term redemptions by our investors, and over $150 billion of dry powder to deploy in high-quality companies during the current market dislocation. This structure is what helped us weather past crises (such as the Global Financial Crisis) and still deliver outstanding performance for our investors around the world.


Schwarzman:Our confidence in this approach remains stronger than ever. In the midst of the crisis, we are actively working with our portfolio company leadership teams to help them manage through this difficult time.


Schwarzman:The US government’s financial stimulus package does all the right things – it provides a direct infusion of money for the unemployed and individuals in society who need immediate support, gives significant funding for small businesses so they can keep people hired and on their healthcare plans, and supports larger corporations so they can bridge this period of shutdown.


Schwarzman:The initial financial stimulus bill is probably not the full amount of support that the US economy will ultimately need, but as a start, it is really big. The Federal Reserve, our central bank, is doing a variety of things to make sure credit is flowing through the US economy. This, combined with the stimulus bill passed by Congress, are significant and positive efforts to ensure the health of our economy through this period.


Schwarzman:You are seeing countries across the developed world take similar steps. China, Korea and Japan – which faced this crisis before Western countries – have responded very well to the virus. I think you will see countries looking to each other for examples on how to best respond.  


2. 远川研究所:How zero or negative interest rate will affect our economy? In the future, what’s the best place for our money? What asset will you choose?


Schwarzman:Even before the current crisis, there was a global trend towards low and even negative interest rates. I had some fear that this would leave countries in a challenging position during a downturn, like we are facing today. But right now, it is important that central banks do whatever they can to support global economies.


Schwarzman:A low interest rate environment can make alternatives more attractive for investors. Blackstone has proven to have a strong track record across cycles, including in challenging times like the Global Financial Crisis.


3. 远川研究所:Is the widening gap between the rich and the poor an endogenous problem of the capitalist system? What role does globalization play in this process.


Schwarzman:I agree that this is an issue. But I believe it is less about income inequality than income insufficiency. A large portion of the United States and other countries lack savings and simply are not earning enough for a variety of reasons. One of these is globalization, where wealth moved around the world. This does not mean that capitalism is broken.


Schwarzman:I have spoken about steps that could be taken in the US to solve this, including increasing the minimum wage. The biggest long-term solution is to improve our education system to make sure that we are preparing our population for the jobs of the future that rely on technical skills and computer science.


Sino-US Relations

4. 远川研究所:How will the Sino-US relations develop after the COVID-19 epidemic? Will the epidemic cause another resurgence of anti-globalization waves?


Schwarzman:There is some sensitivity on both sides relating to the current crisis. But at the end of the day, when the immediate health concerns pass, the world will want to restart their economies and it will be mutually beneficial for the US and China to work together.


5. 远川研究所:Do you think China and the United States can avoid the Thucydides trap?


Schwarzman:I believe they can. The phase one trade agreement demonstrated the ability to work together on major areas of disagreement. I believe both countries recognize it is in their mutual benefit to iron out tensions.


6. 远川研究所:Some media said that you are the bridge between American and Chinese like Kissinger. Do you take that role?


Schwarzman:When asked by the US Administration to help in the trade conversations, I was happy to do so. I am proud to have many great relationships in China and was able to serve as a messenger at times when asked by the Administration.



7. 远川研究所:What is the future layout and plan of Blackstone Group in China? What do you think of the future of China& #39;s economy?


Schwarzman:Blackstone has been active in China since 1992 and will continue to look for compelling, long term investment opportunities.


Schwarzman:Though China is several months ahead of the United States in dealing with COVID-19, it is still too early to predict the exact near-term economic outlook. There is no question that this pandemic will have economic impacts that last beyond the initial period of controlling the virus. But I think by 2021, we will be through the vast majority of this, countries will be back at work with different levels of recovery, and we will eventually see economic growth rates similar to before the pandemic.


8. 远川研究所:There are lots of new-generation entrepreneurs in China, many of them are your friends, who impressed you most?


Schwarzman:I have met so many impressive entrepreneurs from China, it would be impossible for me to pick one. Entrepreneurs often play an outsized role when responding to unknown situations like today’s crisis. I’m confident that entrepreneurs – whether in the biomedical field or otherwise – will find innovative ways to treat, prevent or otherwise help society confront this problem.


9. 远川研究所:Blackstone owns a lot of commercial real estate in China, what do you think of China& #39;s real estate industry and house price?


Schwarzman:In real estate, we are high conviction investors behind themes that have strong tailwinds. For example, we continue to see compelling opportunities in logistics from the growth in e-commerce and demand for warehouses.


Schwarzman:In China, we have warehouses that are located in key distribution hubs and leased to leading third-party logistics and Chinese tech companies. We’re also focused on Grade A office assets in China and more broadly in Asia, where we continue to see positive demand.



10. 远川研究所:What’s the key factor that makes the high return of Blackstone? What investment principles did you stick to?


Schwarzman:People often smile whenever they hear my number one rule for investing, but it’s just that simple: Don’t lose money.


Schwarzman:At Blackstone we have established an investment process that helps us accomplish that basic concept. Our investment decisions are all about disciplined, dispassionate, and robust risk assessment.


Schwarzman:This discipline is even more critical in today’s environment with high levels of volatility and uncertainty. We must continue to focus on our process and the potential downsides of any decision we make on behalf of our investors.


11. 远川研究所:The global financial markets are moving towards turbulence and chaos. How the Blackstone Group protect against the Black Swan events?


Schwarzman:It is impossible to predict truly unforeseen events like what we are experiencing today. But as a firm, Blackstone has built a culture that is constantly looking for and incorporating downside risks into our decision making process. We are also intentional about learning from our past experiences and applying that wisdom to each new deal. In my book I outline some of the key lessons I have learned over my career and how that has changed our approach to investing.



12.远川研究所:What’s the most tough time in your life? And what’s the turning point?


Schwarzman:My life and career have certainly not followed a clean, upward trajectory. I have had intense moments of doubt and disappointment, especially as we faced rejection from investor after investor in the first days of Blackstone. I remember writing more than 400 letters to my best contacts introducing Blackstone after Pete and I launched and no one responded or wanted to give us business.

苏世民:我的生活和事业显然没有遵循一道清晰向上的轨迹。我有过很多怀疑和失望的时刻,尤其是在黑石面世的头几天,我们不断地遭遇投资者的拒绝。我记得在彼得(Peter G. Peterson)和我成立黑石之后,我给我关系最好的联系人写了四百多封信介绍我们的公司,但没人回复,也没人想给我们业务。

Schwarzman:The turning point for Blackstone was when we received a commitment from Prudential – then one of the top investors in private equity – to invest in our first fund. We knew that others would follow. It is a moment I will never forget. Through my book, I hope to convey some of the key lessons from my life to help others.


13. 远川研究所:You’ve said that Peterson is the person who infect you most. What’s the most important thing you’ve learned from him?


Schwarzman:Pete taught me the value of a great mentor and partner. I wouldn’t be where I am today without Pete’s guidance and friendship.  I have tried to follow his lead and play this role for others as well.




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