1.The worst mistakes are made from the nicest graphs and what is really needed is enlightened common sense. 最糟糕的错误往往从最漂亮的图表得来,但其实真正需要的只是启发性的常识。 2.Knowing your limitations and the limitations of your information seems to be the key. 彻底了解自己的局限和自己所获取信息的局限,这看起来是投资的关键。(合适位置放小标题:了解自己的局限) 3.For the man with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. 对一个拿着锤子的人来说,每个问题看起来都像一枚钉子。 4.To think about what will happen versus when is a far more efficient way to behave. 去思考将会发生什么比什么时候会发生要有效率得多。 5.Three wonderful businesses is more than you need in this life and would serve you much better than 100 average businesses. 一辈子能投到3家很棒的公司比投100家一般的公司要强很多。 6.Volatility is a huge plus to real investors. 波动对于真正的价值投资者来说是一个附加好处。 7.There is no master plan. They will just keep allocating capital as rationally as they can. 伯克希尔没有什么绝招,就是会一直坚持尽可能理性地去分配资金。(合适位置放小标题:理性分配资金) 8.If you focus on the price, you are really saying that you believe the market knows more than you do. If you think of the value of the business instead of the price, you will sleep better. 如果你只关注价格,那就说明你觉得市场比你懂得多。如果你能去思考企业的内在价值,你会睡得更好。 9.They suggested that investing is more like parimutuel betting, where you need only be right a few times as long as you don& #39;t take a big loss. 投资就像赛马中的同注分彩(赢家分享所有资金池),你只需要对几次即可赚大钱,只要你每次错的时候输的都不多。 10.Most men would rather die than think. Many do. 很多人宁可去死也不愿意去思考。很多人如此。 11.The market is there to serve you, not influence you. 市场是为你服务的,不要被它所影响。 12.That& #39;s the fundamental algorithm of life - REPEAT WHAT WORKS. 人生最最基础的算法:不断重复正确的操作。(合适位置放小标题:不断重复正确的操作) 13.Price is what you pay. Value is what you get. 价格是你付出的代价。价值就是你所得到的。 14.Uncertainty actually is the friend of the buyer of long-term values. 不确定性实际上是长期价值购买者的朋友。 15.Don& #39;t pass up something that& #39;s attractive today because you think you will find something better tomorrow. 不要因为你认为明天会找到更好的东西而放弃今天有吸引力的东西。 16.The best way to think about investments is to be in a room with no one else and to just think. If that doesn& #39;t work, nothing else is going to work. 思考投资的最佳方式是在一个没有其他人的房间里,只是思考。如果这不起作用,其他的都不管用了。 请联系:沈良 |
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