1.Maintain low expectations - that is the key to happiness. 维持低预期是通往幸福的关键。 2.In thinking about markets, it is important to remember that markets are there to serve you, not instruct you. The key here is emotional stability, to have an inner peace about your decisions. It is important to think for yourself and to make good decisions over time. It is simple, but not easy. 关于市场的思考,最重要是记住它是服务于你的,而不是来对你指手画脚的。这里的关键是稳定的情绪,要对你的决策达到一个内心的平静。应该专注于自己的利益和如何长期去做正确决策。这听起来很简单,但做起来不容易。 3.We will always have bubbles because it is the nature of capitalism to go to excess. 我们会一直与泡沫共舞,因为这正是资本主义不断创造剩余价值的本质。 4.Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing. 不了解状况是最大的危险。 5.Past is a waste paper, present is a newspaper, and future is a question paper. Come out of your past, control the present, and secure the future. 过去是一张废纸,现在是一张报纸,未来是一张卷子。走出过去,掌控现在,保障未来。 6.Saving money and investing early is the best way to develop good habits. 开始存钱并及早投资,这是最值得养成的好习惯。 7.It is not greed, but envy that drives the world forward. 不是贪婪,而是嫉妒推动着世界前进。 8. Reason is the basic requirement of investing in stocks. 理智是投资股票最基本的要求。 9.Never ask a barber if you need a haircut. 永远不要问理发师你是否需要理发。 10.Make use of the folly of the market to invest regularly. 利用市场的愚蠢,进行有规律的投资。 11.If you& #39;re on the wrong road, running is useless. 如果你在错误的道路上,奔跑也没有用。 12.The truth is far more accurate than the error. 模糊的正确远胜于精确的错误。 13.All you have to do is stay away from those situations where you make a hasty decision. 你要远离那些使你做出仓促决定的环境。 14.Diversification can offset the side effects of ignorance. 投资多样化可以抵消无知的副作用。 15.If you keep following the wind, you can’t make a fortune. 如果你不断跟着风向转,你就不可能会发财。 16.If not sure, I will not act rashly. 如果没有十足的把握,我不会轻举妄动。 17.The world’s most foolish motive for buying stocks is that shares are rising. 世界上购买股票最愚蠢的动机是:股价在上涨。 18.The time to buy stocks should be contrary to that of most investors. 买股票的时机应该与大多数投资人的想法相反。 19.Anything that cannot last will die. 任何不能持久的事物终将消亡。 20.As long as not too anxious, reasonable investment can make you very rich. 只要不是过于急于求成,合理投资能使你非常富有。 请联系:沈良 |
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