1.Borrowing money when you shouldn& #39;t, or being pushy or opportunistic and doing things you shouldn& #39;t, there& #39;s no place to buy regret in the future. 在不该借钱的时候借钱,或者急功近利、投机取巧,做自己不该做的事,将来都没地方买后悔药。 2.Remember, you& #39;re not buying stock, you& #39;re buying a piece of ownership in a company. As long as the company is doing well and you& #39;re not buying it at a ridiculously high price, your returns can& #39;t be bad - investing in stocks is as simple as that. 记住,你买的不是股票,而是公司的一部分所有权。只要公司生意好,而且你买的价格不是高得离谱,你的收益也差不了,投资股票就这么简单。 3.Instead of thinking about how to get a super high rate of return, we always keep in mind to never lose money. 我们想的不是怎么获得超高的回报率,而是始终牢记永远不亏钱。 4.Find a good investment opportunity for a year and then hold on to it until its full potential is realized. 一年找到一个好的投资机会,然后一直持有,等待它的潜力充分释放出来。 5.Remember, the stock market is a manic depressive. 记住,股市是一个躁狂抑郁症患者。 6.The stock market is a game where strikes are not called. You don& #39;t have to swing at everything - you can wait for your pitch. 股市是一场不会罢工的游戏。你不必什么都摇摆——你可以等待你的投球。 7.Speculation is most dangerous when it seems easiest. 投机在看起来最容易的时候是最危险的。 8.Market turbulence is inevitable. It will happen. That& #39;s why preparation is key. During a downturn, find ways to take advantage of opportunities to find discounted shares of your favorite companies. 市场动荡不可避免。它会发生。所以准备是关键。在下跌期间,想方设法利用机会找到您最喜欢的公司的折价股票。 9.The best time to allocate capital is during a market downturn. 配置资金的最佳时机是在市场不景气的时候。 10.Keep things simple and don& #39;t be stubborn. When quick profits are promised, answer "no" quickly. 让事情保持简单,不要固执己见。当承诺快速获利时,快速回答“不”。 11.Choosing not to invest because of uncertainty is the wrong decision. 因为不确定而选择不投资是错误的决定。 12. Greed is never good. This is evident when an investor invests solely for money and not for enjoyment. 贪婪从来都不是好的。当投资者仅仅为了金钱而不是为了享受而进行投资时,这一点很明显。 |
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