1.For me, investing is like drawing on a big white board with no boundaries, and that&
#39;s what I enjoy the most. I enjoy the applause and the halo I get for making the right decisions. Investing, on the other hand, fulfills those criteria for me, and I love what I&
#39;m doing. 对我来说,投资就像是在一块没有边界的大白板上绘画,这也是我最乐在其中的。我享受做出正确决策所得到的喝彩与光环。而投资,可以满足我的这些标准,我热爱我正在做的一切。 2.It is because we value the freedom to control our own time that we strive for money. With money, we can basically live our lives the way we want to. 正因为看重掌控自己时间的自由,我们努力追求金钱。有了钱,我们基本上可以按自己的意愿去生活。 3.Basically, I can buy whatever I want, but I can& #39;t buy time. 基本上,我想买什么就能买什么,但是我买不到时间。 4.One should learn to understand human behavior as they grow up. Try to change yourself and learn from the strengths of others. 人在成长的过程中应该学会了解人类的行为。尽量改变自己,学习别人的长处。 5.When you& #39;re out of your league, you have to say, "This is too hard, I can& #39;t figure it out for the rest of my life." I& #39;m good at that. When I get something I can& #39;t handle, I just give up. 超出了自己的能力圈,你就得说“这东西太难,我一辈子都搞不懂”。我这方面做得很好,我遇到了我搞不定的,我就认怂。 6.Your best defense is your own ability to make money. 你最好的防御就是你自己的赚钱能力。 7.It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you& #39;ll do things differently. 建立一个好名声需要20年,而毁掉它只需要5分钟。如果你想到这一点,你做事的方式就会不同。 8.Being able to find good hunting places is a skill. Whoever gets to a good hunting spot gets more stuff. 能找到好打猎的地方是本事。无论是谁,到了好打猎的地方,都能打到更多东西。 9.You have to get on board before you can profit, but it& #39;s more important to get on the right boat. 你必须先上船才可能获利,但更重要的是要上对船。 10.Spend a little less than you earn, because once you& #39;re in debt, you& #39;re unlikely to pay it off. 花的比赚的少一点,因为一旦欠了债,你就不太可能还清债务了。 以上内容为巴菲特经典语录整理 由数字人巴菲特播报 本视频由七华软件用人工智能技术生成 |
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