1.If you wait until the robin calls, you& #39;ll miss the whole spring. 如果你等到知更鸟叫时,你将错过整个春天。 2.In almost any field, professionals achieve significantly more than laymen. But this is often not the case in the management of money. 几乎在任何领域,专业人员取得的成就明显地高于门外汉。但在金钱的管理上往往并非如此。 3.If you find three outstanding businesses in your lifetime, you will become very rich. 如果你一生中找到三个杰出的企业,你就会变得非常富裕。 4.The best way to control risk is to think deeply, not to invest in a portfolio. 控制风险的最好办法是深入思考,而不是投资组合。 5.When I engage in investing, I mainly look at the whole picture of a company, whereas most investors only focus on its stock price. 我从事投资时,主要观察一家公司的全貌,而大多数投资人只盯着它的股价。 6.The key to success is how investors can take something ordinary and make it extremely extraordinary. 成功的关键是投资者如何把一些平凡的事,做得极不平凡。 7.Success in investing is not dependent on what you know, but on your ability to honestly admit what you don& #39;t know. 投资成功与否并非取决于你了解的东西,而在于你能否老老实实地承认你所不知道的东西。 8.Short term speculation is the same as gambling on what is going to happen. If you use a large amount of money for short term speculation, you risk losing it all. 短线投机等于就即将发生的事情进行赌博。如果你运用大量的资金进行短线投机,有可能血本无归。 9.There are companies with towering moats guarded by ferocious crocodiles, pirates & sharks inside, and that& #39;s the kind of company you should invest in. 有的企业有高耸的护城河,里头还有凶猛的鳄鱼、海盗与鲨鱼守护着,这才是你应该投资的公司。 10.The fallacy of "don& #39;t put all your eggs in one basket" is false. Investments should be made as Mark Twain suggested, "Put all your eggs in one basket and watch them carefully." “不要把所有鸡蛋放在同一个篮子里”的谬论是错误的,投资应该像马克・吐温建议的“把所有鸡蛋放在同一个篮子里,然后小心地看好它。” 11.Every bubble has a needle waiting. When the two finally meet, a new wave of investors will learn an old Wall Street lesson: Speculation is most dangerous when it looks easy. 每一个泡沫都有一根针在等着。当两者最终相遇,新一波的投资者会学到华尔街一条古老的教训:当投机看起来轻而易举的时候最危险。 12.If markets were always efficient, I would be out on the streets, begging along the streets. 如果市场总是有效率的,我将会流落街头,沿街乞讨。 以上内容为巴菲特经典语录整理 由数字人巴菲特播报 本视频由七华软件用人工智能技术生成 |
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