1.The fear will slowly diminish over time, but the danger will not. 恐惧会随着时间慢慢减弱,但是危险不会减少。 2.You have to do things when the opportunity presents itself. 你得在机会来临的时候做事。 3.Investing is easier than you think, but it& #39;s also harder than it looks. 投资比你想象的要简单,但也比它看上去要难。 4.Investing wisely can make you very rich, as long as you are not overly eager to get ahead. 只要不是过于急于求成,合理投资能使你非常富有。 5.There will still be huge differences in value and price in the securities markets, and those who read Graham and Dodd& #39;s books will continue to get rich. 证券市场上仍将存在巨大的价值与价格差异,而那些阅读格雷厄姆和多德的书的人仍将继续发财。 6.I treat public company disclosures (mostly undisclosed) as I view icebergs (mostly below the surface). 我对待上市公司信息披露(大部分未公开)的态度如同我看待冰山(大部分在水面以下)。 7.Relatively speaking, our performance is probably much better in bear market conditions than in bull market conditions. 相对来讲,我们的业绩在熊市状况下可能比在牛市状况下要好得多。 8."Intrinsic value" is a very important concept that provides the only logical means of assessing the relative attractiveness of investments and businesses. “内在价值”是一个非常重要的概念,它为评估投资和企业的相对吸引力提供了唯一的逻辑手段。 9.When it comes to investing, we see ourselves as corporate analysts - not market analysts, nor macroeconomic analysts, nor securities analysts. 在投资的时候,我们把自己看成是企业分析师——而不是市场分析师,也不是宏观经济分析师,更不是证券分析师。 10.Concentrate on investing in businesses whose total return to market value will continue to rise for many years. 集中投资那些总收益与市场价值会多年不断上涨的企业。 11.If you can& #39;t sway the situation, then a missed opportunity isn& #39;t a bad thing. 如果你无法左右局面,那么错失一次机会也不是什么坏事。 12.Our investments are concentrated in a few outstanding companies and we are concentrated investors. 我们的投资集中在几家杰出的公司身上,我们是集中投资者。 13.A frequent mistake I make is not being willing to bid high for very good businesses. 我一个经常犯的错误,就是不愿意为非常好的企业出高价。 14.The nature of the capital markets makes it impossible for there to be many winners; there are only a few winners. 资本市场的本性使得不可能出现很多赢家,赢的只是少数。 15.We like this kind of business: pragmatic, simple and stable. 我们喜欢这样的企业:务实、简单、稳定。 |
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