Berkshire is often labeled a conglomerate, a negative term applied to holding companies that own a hodge-podge of unrelated businesses. And, yes, that describes Berkshire – but only in part. 伯克希尔经常被贴上“综合企业集团”的标签,这是一个贬义词,指的是拥有大量不相关业务的控股公司。是的,这是对伯克希尔正确的描述——但这是部分。 Over time, conglomerates have generally limited themselves to buying businesses in their entirety. That strategy, however, came with two major problems. One was unsolvable: Most of the truly great businesses had no interest in having anyone take them over. Consequently, deal-hungry conglomerateurs had to focus on so-so companies that lacked important and durable competitive strengths. 长期以来,综合企业集团通常只局限于收购整个企业。然而,这一战略带来了两个大问题。有一个问题是无解的:大多数真正伟大的企业都无意让别人接管。因此,渴望收购的综合企业集团不得不专注于那些缺乏重要和持久竞争优势的一般公司。 Beyond that, as conglomerateurs dipped into this universe of mediocre businesses, they often found themselves required to pay staggering “control” premiums to snare their quarry. Aspiring conglomerateurs knew the answer to this “overpayment” problem: They simply needed to manufacture a vastly overvalued stock of their own that could be used as a “currency” for pricey acquisitions. 除此之外,当综合企业集团不得不收购平庸的公司时,他们常常发现自己需要支付惊人的“控制权”溢价,以诱捕他们的猎物。一些精明的企业集团知道如何解决这个“超额支付”的问题:他们只需让自己公司估值变得高得离谱,来作为昂贵收购的“货币”。
Often, the tools for fostering the overvaluation of a conglomerate’s stock involved promotional techniques and “imaginative” accounting maneuvers that were, at best, deceptive and that sometimes crossed the line into fraud. When these tricks were “successful,” the conglomerate pushed its own stock to, say, 3x its business value in order to offer the target 2x its value. 通常,让综合企业集团股票估值过高的手段包括促销和“富有想象力的”会计操作,这些手段充其量是欺骗性的,有时甚至会越界成为欺诈。当这些招数“成功”时,该集团会将自己的股价推至商业价值的三倍,以便收购估值是实际价值两倍的目标公司。 Eventually, the party ends, and many business “emperors” are found to have no clothes. Financial history is replete with the names of famous conglomerateurs who were initially lionized as business geniuses by journalists, analysts and investment bankers, but whose creations ended up as business junkyards. 最终,盛宴结束,许多商业“皇帝”没穿衣服。金融历史上充斥着许多著名企业集团的名字,这些企业家最初被记者、分析师和投资银行家誉为商业天才,但后来却被抛进商业垃圾场。 Charlie and I want our conglomerate to own all or part of a diverse group of businesses with good economic characteristics and good managers. Whether Berkshire controls these businesses, however, is unimportant to us. Owning a non-controlling portion of a wonderful business is more profitable, more enjoyable and far less work than struggling with 100% of a marginal enterprise. 芒格和我希望我们的企业集团拥有具有良好财务状况和优秀经理人的多元化企业集团的全部或部分,而伯克希尔是否控制这些业务对我们来说并不重要。拥有一个很棒的企业的不控股股权,要比拥有控股100%的挣扎在边缘企业更有利可图,更愉快,更少工作量。 以上内容节选自《巴菲特2021年致股东信》 由数字人巴菲特播报 本视频由七华软件用人工智能技术生成 |
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