1.If you think you can get in and out of the stock market on a regular basis and get rich, I don& #39;t want to go into business with you, but I would like to be your stockbroker. 如果你认为自己能经常出入股市,发财致富,我不愿意和你合伙做生意,但我希望能成为你的股票经纪人。 2.No matter how great the talent or efforts, some things take time. You can& #39;t produce nine babies in one month by getting nine women pregnant. 无论你多么努力有天赋,做任何事总要花点时间。即使你让九名女性同时怀孕,也不能在一个月里生出九个孩子。 3.You don& #39;t need a high IQ to be a good investor, you just need to have "the ability to not follow the crowd so easily". 做一个好的投资者不需要高智商,只需要具备“不轻易从众的能力”。 4.We specialize in those one-foot low fences and avoid running into seven-foot jumps. 我们专挑那种一尺的低栏,而避免碰到七尺的跳高。 5.You can& #39;t make a good deal with a bad person. 你不可能和一个糟糕的人做成一桩好生意。 6.The stock market is not inscrutable and everyone can be a rational investor. 股市并不是不可捉摸的,人人都可以做一个理性的投资者。 7.If you& #39;re an investor, you think about your assets; if you& #39;re a speculator, you mainly predict what prices will do without caring about the business. 如果你是投资家,你会考虑你的资产;如果你是投机家,你主要预测价格会怎样而不关心企业。 8.Wide diversification is only needed if the investor doesn& #39;t understand what they are doing. 只有当投资者不明白自己在做什么时,才需要广泛分散投资。 9.Speculation is most dangerous when it seems easiest. 投机在看起来最容易的时候是最危险的。 10.A person& #39;s main asset is themselves, so protect and enhance yourself. 一个人的主要资产是他们自己,所以要保护和提升自己。 以上内容为巴菲特经典语录整理 由数字人巴菲特播报 本视频由七华软件用人工智能技术生成 |
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