#39;s far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price. 以合理的价格投资优异的公司胜于以优异的价格投资平庸的公司。 2.Charlie and I have an extreme aversion to permanent capital losses, and we won& #39;t take their money unless we expect to run it fairly well. 查理和我对永久性的资本损失极为反感,除非我们预期能把他们的钱运作得相当好,否则,我们不会接受他们的钱。 3.I don& #39;t look to jump over seven-foot bars: I look around for one-foot bars that I can step over. 我不会想要跳过7英尺高的障碍我向四周寻找我可以跨过去的一英尺高的障碍。 4.Never lose your principal. 永远不要损失本金。 5.There is only one secret to getting rich investing in stocks, buy them and lock them in a box and wait, patiently! 投资股票致富的秘诀只有一条,买了股票以后锁在箱子里等待,耐心地等待! 6.Doing what you haven& #39;t done is called growth, doing what you don& #39;t want to do is called change, and doing what you don& #39;t dare to do is called a breakthrough! 做你没做过的事情叫成长,做你不愿意做的事情叫改变,做你不敢做的事情叫突破! 7.Defeating greed is one of the hardest battles an investor has to fight, and the only way to succeed is to look back in time! 战胜贪欲是投资者最难打的一场仗,只有及时回头看,才有可能成功! 8.Someone is sitting in the shade today because he planted a tree a long time ago. 有人今天坐在树荫下,因为他很久以前种了一棵树。 9.People who work all day can& #39;t get rich; wealth is a compensation for perception, not a reward for diligence. 整天工作的人,是发不了财的,财富是对认知的补偿,而不是对勤奋的奖赏。 10.There is no doubt that some people become rich by borrowing money and investing it, but this type of operation can also leave you penniless. 毫无疑问,有些人通过借钱投资成为巨富,但此类操作同样可能使你一贫如洗。 |
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