1.Seizing a good investment opportunity is half the battle. 抓住投资良机,就等于成功了一半。 2.Market volatility caused by fund managers irrationally speculating with huge amounts of money will give real investors more opportunities to take wise investment steps. 基金经理无理性地用巨额资金投机导致的市场波动,会给真正的投资者带来更多的采取明智的投资措施的机会。 3.Patience is key, impatience will ruin your money. 耐心是关键,急躁会毁了你的钱。 4.During declines, find ways to take advantage of opportunities to find discounted shares of your favorite companies. 在下跌期间,想方设法利用机会找到您最喜欢的公司的折价股票。 5.I always knew I& #39;d be rich. I don& #39;t think I ever doubted that. 我一直都知道我会变得富有。我想我从来没有怀疑过这一点。 6.Borrowing money when you shouldn& #39;t, or being pushy or opportunistic and doing things you shouldn& #39;t, there& #39;s no place to buy regret in the future. 在不该借钱的时候借钱,或者急功近利、投机取巧,做自己不该做的事,将来都没地方买后悔药。 7.The right way of thinking to look at a company is, can this company become more and more profitable in the long run? If the answer is yes, no other questions need to be asked. 看一家公司正确的思维方式是,长期来看,这家公司是否能越来越赚钱?如果答案是能,别的问题都用不着问了。 8.In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield. 在商业世界里,后视镜总是比挡风玻璃更清晰。 9.It’s far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price. 以合理的价格投资优异的公司胜于以优异的价格投资平庸的公司。 10.What’s nice about investing is you don’t have to swing at every pitch. The trick in investing is just to sit there and watch pitch after pitch go by and wait for the one right in your sweet spot. 投资的好处在于你不需要对每个扔过来的球挥棒。投资诀窍就是坐在那里看着一个个扔来的球,并且等待打到你的最佳位置的那个。 以上内容为巴菲特经典语录整理 由数字人巴菲特播报 本视频由七华软件用人工智能技术生成 |
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