1.投资机会就像女人一样,招人喜欢,却难以捉摸。 Investment opportunities are like women, inviting but elusive. 2.如果你发现自己身处一条正长期漏水的船上,换艘船可能比修补漏水来的更有成效。 If you find yourself in a boat that is leaking chronically, changing boats may be more productive than fixing the leak. 3.市场就像上帝,帮助那些自助的人;但与上帝不一样的是,市场不会原谅那些不知道自己在做什么的人。 The market is like God, helping those who help themselves; but unlike God, the market doesn& #39;t forgive those who don& #39;t know what they& #39;re doing. 4.市场的波动就如同大海的波涛,不要被它的汹涌吓倒,而要学会在其中驾驭自己的小船。耐心等待风暴过去,你会发现新的机遇就在彼岸。 The market fluctuates like the waves of the sea, do not be intimidated by its turbulence, but learn to steer your own boat in it. Wait patiently for the storm to pass and you will find new opportunities on the other side. 5.预测输家比预测赢家更容易。 It& #39;s easier to predict losers than winners. 6.一生能够积累多少财富,不取决于你能够赚多少钱,而取决于你如何投资理财。 How much wealth you can accumulate over a lifetime depends not on how much money you can make, but on how you invest your money. 7.如果你在错误的路上,奔跑也没有用。 There& #39;s no use running if you& #39;re on the wrong path. 8.你人生的起点并不是那么重要,重要的是你最后抵达了哪里。 Where you start in life is not so important as where you end up arriving. 9.钱可以让你拥有选择的权利,但它并不能直接带来幸福。 Money can give you options, but it doesn& #39;t directly bring happiness. 10.如果股市可以用理论去有效分析,我早就变成路边的流浪汉了。 If the stock market can use the theory to effective analysis, I would have become a roadside tramp. 以上内容为巴菲特经典语录整理 由数字人巴菲特播报 本视频由七华软件用人工智能技术生成 |
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