1.当人们忘记“二加二等于四”这种最基本的常识时,就该是脱手离场的时候了。 When people forget the basic common sense of "two plus two equals four", it& #39;s time to get out of the market. 2.市场就像上帝,只帮助那些本身就很努力的人。但与上帝不同的是,市场不会宽恕那些不清楚自己在干什么的人。 The market, like the Lord, helps those who help themselves. But unlike the Lord, the market does not forgive those who do not know what they are doing. 3.假设你递给我一把枪,里面有1000个弹仓、100万个弹仓,其中只有一个弹仓里有一颗子弹,你说:“你要多少钱?把枪对准你的太阳穴,扣一下扳机”我不干。你给我多少钱,我都不干。要是我赢了,我不需要那些钱;要是我输了,结果不用说了。这样的事,我一点都不想做,但是在金融领域,人们经常做这样的事,都不经过大脑。 Suppose you hand me a gun with 1,000 magazines, 1,000,000 magazines, and only one of them has a bullet in it, and you say, "How much do you want to put the gun to your temple and pull the trigger?" I won& #39;t do it. I won& #39;t do it for any amount of money you give me. If I win, I don& #39;t need that money; if I lose, the result goes without saying. Things like that, I don& #39;t want to do at all, but in finance, people do things like that all the time without thinking. 4.只要公司生意好,而且你买的价格不是高得离谱,你的收益也差不了,投资股票就这么简单。 As long as the company is doing well and you& #39;re not buying it at a ridiculously high price, your returns can& #39;t be bad - investing in stocks is as simple as that. 5.我们犯过的最大的错误不是做错了什么,而是该做的没做。在这些错误中,我们对生意很了解,本来应该行动,但不知道怎么了,我们就在那犹豫来犹豫去,什么都没做。 The biggest mistake we ever make is not doing something wrong, but not doing what we should have done. In these mistakes, we know the business well enough that we should have acted, but somehow we just dithered around and didn& #39;t do anything. 6. 看股价决定自己的投资做得好不好,糊涂到家了。 Looking at stock prices to decide if you& #39;re doing well with your investments is confusing as hell. |
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