1.最好的投资是投资自己。 The best investment is to invest in yourself. 2.我们错过了很多投资机会,但很少后悔。 We miss a lot of investment opportunities, but rarely regret it. 3.我们只在自己喜欢的地方挥杆。 We only swing where we like. 4.当人们忘记“二加二等于四”这种最基本的常识时,就该是脱手离场的时候了。 When people forget the basic common sense of "two plus two equals four", it& #39;s time to get out of the market. 5.我们都有自己的弱点,都有缺陷,不要对自己太狠。但是也不能够完完全全松懈,因为你可以改变未来。 We all have our weaknesses, we all have flaws, don& #39;t be too hard on yourself. But don& #39;t be completely lax either, because you can change the future. 6.每个泡沫都有根针在等着它。 Every bubble has a needle waiting for it. 7.股市的短期回报,并不怎么受估值的影响,反而更可能受到市场情绪的影响。 Short-term returns in the stock market are not so much influenced by valuations, but instead are more likely to be influenced by market sentiment. 8.诺亚的原则:重要的是建造方舟,而不是预测风暴。 Noah& #39;s principle: It is important to build the ark, not to predict the storm. 9.牛市能使数学定律黯淡无光,但却不能废除它们。 Bull markets can eclipse the laws of math, but they can& #39;t abolish them. 10.我们的座右铭是:如果你第一次就成功了,那就不要再费力去试别的了。 Our motto is: if you get it right the first time, don& #39;t bother trying anything else. 以上内容为巴菲特经典语录整理 由数字人巴菲特播报 本视频由七华软件用人工智能技术生成 |
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