1.伟大企业的定义如下:一个企业能够保持其作为伟大企业的地位25或30年。 The definition of a great business is as follows: a business that has been able to maintain its status as a great business for 25 or 30 years. 2.我用屁股赚的钱比用脑子赚的钱多。 I make more money with my ass than I do with my brain. 3.注定会赢的企业注定是稀缺的。查理和我花了毕生精力,也只找到很有限的几家。 Businesses that are destined to win are destined to be rare. Charlie and I have spent our lives trying to find only a very limited number of them. 4.投资对于我来说,既是一种运动,也是一种娱乐。 Investing for me is both a sport and a recreation. 5.我们不投不能评估其未来自由现金流的生意,无论他们公司的产品可能多么激动人心。 We don& #39;t invest in businesses that can& #39;t assess their future free cash flow, no matter how exciting their company& #39;s product may be. 6.我从来不曾有过自我怀疑。 I& #39;ve never had self-doubt. 7.错过一个人的能力范围之外的大好机会,不是什么罪孽。 It is no sin to miss a great opportunity that is beyond one& #39;s ability. 8.任何刺激你瞎折腾的环境,都要远离。华尔街无疑就是这样的环境。 Any environment that stimulates you to fool around, stay away from. Wall Street is certainly such an environment. 9.耐心总是有回报的。 Patience always pays off. 10.假如你缺乏自信,心虚与恐惧会导致你投资惨败。 If you lack confidence, weakness and fear can cause you to fail miserably in your investments. |
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