1.第一大投资原则:独立思考,内心平静。 The first major investment principle: independent thinking and inner peace. 2.做一个好的投资者不需要高智商,只需要具备不轻易从众的能力。 You don& #39;t need a high IQ to be a good investor, you just need the ability to not follow the crowd so easily. 3.不要炒股,你要买的是价值,千万不要卖。 Don& #39;t speculate, you buy value, never sell. 4.我们基本上不做尽职调查,我们的尽职调查基本上就是看着他们的眼睛。 We basically don& #39;t do due diligence, our due diligence is basically looking them in the eye. 5.我是很理性的。很多人的智商比我高,很多人的工作时间比我长,工作强度比我大,但我做事情更理性。 I am very rational. A lot of people have higher IQ than me, a lot of people work longer and harder than me, but I do things more rationally. 6.利用市场的愚蠢,进行有规律的投资。 Take advantage of market folly and invest with discipline. 7.任何不能永远前进的事物都将停滞。 Anything that cannot move forward forever will stagnate. 8.理智是投资股票最基本的要求。 Sanity is the most basic requirement for investing in stocks. 9.我是个现实主义者,我只对现实感兴趣,从不抱任何幻想,尤其是对自己。 I& #39;m a realist, I& #39;m only interested in reality and never have any illusions, especially about myself. 10.晦涩难懂的公式、计算机程序或显示股票和市场价格变化的闪光信号不会带来投资的成功。 Obscure formulas, computer programs, or flash signals showing changes in stock and market prices will not lead to investment success. |
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