1.你人生的起点并不是那么重要,重要的是你最后抵达了哪里。 Where you start in life is not so important as where you end up arriving. 2.形成自己的宏观观点,或是听别人对宏观或市场进行预测,都是在浪费时间。 Forming your own macro views or listening to others make macro or market predictions is a waste of time. 3.如果下周我有了一个想法,我就会去做。如果没有,我就什么都不会做。 If I get an idea next week, I& #39;ll do something. If not, I won& #39;t do a damn thing. 4.说“不”的能力是一种超能力。你对错误的事情说“不”越多,你对正确的事情说“是”的机会就越多。 The ability to say no is a superpower. The more you say no to the wrong things, the more you can say yes to the right things. 5.我喜欢简单,不喜欢复杂。 I like simplicity, not complexity. 6.你无法接受新事物,因为你不能耐心地听取批评。 You can& #39;t accept new things if you can& #39;t listen patiently to criticism. 7.能力圈的大小并不重要,清楚自己的能力圈边界才是至关重要的。 The size of your circle of competence is not important; being clear about the boundaries of your circle of competence is crucial. 8.世界上购买股票的最愚蠢的动机是:股价在上涨。 The world& #39;s dumbest motivation for buying stocks is that they are going up. 9.不管是买袜子还是买股票,我都喜欢在打折的时候把高档商品拿到手。 Whether we& #39;re talking about socks or stocks, I like buying quality merchandise when it is marked down. 10.人生就像滚雪球,只要你找到湿的雪和很长的坡道,雪球就会越滚越大。 Life is like a snowball. The important thing is finding wet snow and a really long hill. 以上内容为巴菲特经典语录整理 由数字人巴菲特播报 本视频由七华软件用人工智能技术生成 |
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