1.你必须在经济上和心理上做好充分准备,以应对股市的反复无常。 You must be well prepared financially and psychologically to deal with the capriciousness of the stock market. 2.好的投资机会是罕见的,当它出现时,要像狮子扑向猎物一样果断抓住。 Good investment opportunities are rare, and when they appear, seize them as decisively as a lion pounces on its prey. 3.有些怪异的人性总想把简单的事情弄得复杂。 Some weird human nature always wants to complicate simple things. 4.我坚持花很多时间,几乎每天,只是坐下来思考。这在美国商业环境中非常罕见。 I insist on spending a lot of time, almost every day, just sitting and thinking. This is very rare in the American business environment. 5.当你发现自己掉坑里时,最重要的就是停止挖掘 The most important thing to do when you find yourself in a hole is to stop digging. 6.目前的金融课程可能只会帮助你做出用平庸之事。 The current financial curriculum may only help you make with mediocrity. 7.短期股市的预测是毒药,应该要把他们摆在最安全的地方,远离儿童以及那些在股市中的行为像小孩般幼稚的投资人。 Short-term stock market predictions are poison and they should be kept in the safest place possible, away from children and those investors who behave like children in the stock market. 8.市场不会宽恕那些不清楚自己在干什么的人。 The market does not forgive those who do not know exactly what they are doing. 9.我从不打算在买入股票的次日就赚钱。 I never plan to make money the day after I buy a stock. 10.我们应该集中关注将要发生什么,而不是什么时候发生。 We should concentrate on what is going to happen, not when it is going to happen. |
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