1.长期投资不是一种忍耐,而是一种享受。 Long-term investing is not a form of endurance, it is a form of enjoyment. 2.我在历史中学到的唯一东西就是,大众从未从历史中汲取教训。 The only thing I& #39;ve learned in history is that the public never learns from it. 3.时间是优质资产最好的朋友。 Time is the best friend of quality assets. 4.你不能控制自己,迟早会有一场大灾难。 You can& #39;t control yourself, and sooner or later there will be a catastrophe. 5.风险并非来自于你不知道的事情,更多的时候,是你自以为知道一切却实则不然。 Risk doesn& #39;t come from what you don& #39;t know; more often than not, it& #39;s when you think you know it all but you don& #39;t. 6.在投资世界里,过度自信是比无知更危险的敌人,它会蒙蔽你的双眼,让你忽视那些隐藏在暗处的风险漏洞。 In the world of investing, overconfidence is a more dangerous enemy than ignorance; it can blind you to the hidden vulnerabilities of risk. 7.外界的风浪再大,只要灯塔(企业的内在价值)依然稳固,我们就不应迷失方向,那些短期的波动不过是海浪对船身的拍打,并非改变航向的理由。 No matter how big the storms are, as long as the lighthouse (the intrinsic value of the company) is still solid, we should not lose our way, and those short-term fluctuations are just the beating of the waves on the hull, not a reason to change course. 8.投资是一场马拉松,而不是百米冲刺。 Investing is a marathon, not a 100-meter sprint. 9.存在的技巧就是没有竞争对手。 The trick to existence is to have no competitors. 10.人们宁愿得到一张下周可能会赢得大奖的抽奖券,也不愿抓住一个可以慢慢致富的机会。 People would rather get a raffle ticket that might win the jackpot next week than seize an opportunity to get rich slowly. 以上内容为巴菲特经典语录整理 由数字人巴菲特播报 本视频由七华软件用人工智能技术生成 |
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