1.每隔十年左右,经济的天空会布满乌云,下起短暂黄金雨。 Every decade or so, dark clouds will fill the economic skies, and they will briefly rain gold. 2.对生产性经营资产进行再投资永远是我们的首要任务。 Reinvestment in productive operational assets will forever remain our top priority. 3.永远不要抱着这样的想法打交道:“可以防止无赖欺骗你的期望” Never deal with a rascal under the expectation that you can prevent him from cheating you. 4.只拥有一家高资本回报率的伟大公司你就发达了。 Own just one great company with a high return on capital and you& #39;re rich. 5.恐慌不会经常发生,但总会发生。 Such instant panics won& #39;t happen often, but they will happen. 6.我们喜欢在日落时抓住机会,因为我们相信太阳总会再次升起. We like to make hay while the sun sets, knowing that it will surely rise again. 7.我们经常做出错误的投资决定。但我想不起来在伯克希尔的历史上,有哪一次我们做了情绪化的决定。 We make bad investment decisions plenty of times. But I can’t recall any time in the history of Berkshire that we made an emotional decision. 8.你学得越多,赚得就越多。 The more you learn, the more you earn. 9.如果你等到知更鸟叫时,你将错过整个春天。 If you wait until the robin calls, you& #39;ll miss the whole spring. 10.控制风险的最好办法是深入思考,而不是投资组合。 The best way to control risk is to think deeply, not to invest in a portfolio. 以上内容为巴菲特经典语录整理 由数字人巴菲特播报 本视频由七华软件用人工智能技术生成 |
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